Thirty years practising Commercial law goes a long way. I have won my gown in courts in Madrid, Marbella and Granada. I have sat for hours with entrepreneurs and boards of directors. I have been helping clients in Corporate & Insolvency law since the beginning of the 90’s when the major legal reforms were coming. After this reform arrived, I continued to constantly learn, thinking about our clients’ problems and providing them with solutions based on excellent expertise and intellectual rigour: this led me to BGA and to managing his office in Granada.
Between Madrid, where I was born and studied, and Andalusia, I soon learned to know the company, to understand its business before examining its legal issues and protecting it against external aggressions. I have advised relevant entrepreneurs in corporative operations and have defended them in unexpected litigations. I have also defended the SMEs in their struggle to grow and differentiate themselves from others. I have been in bankruptcy situations of debtors affected by the periodical crises and have protected a great number of creditors affected by them. I have received the trust of justice in order to manage some of the most relevant arrangements for creditors in Andalusia, where I am well known. I am a specialist in terms of social administrators’ responsibility from merchant companies and bankruptcy qualification.
I have given a huge number of classes and conferences on Commercial Law. I am a professor at The International School of Management in Granada, a frequent speaker at the School of Bankruptcy and Commercial Law Foundation in Granada, a speaker on the matters mentioned above in training courses of the CGPJ and I have always felt the necessity of translating the constant update into a maximum quality service to the client.
I look forward to continue doing so, making our clients in Madrid, Andalusia and the rest of the country feel a clear, honest and personalized attention based on loyalty, effort and technical rigour.